The Shepherds Scout Group مجموعة كشافة الرعاة

The Shepherds Scout Group (SSG) was established in 1995. After a short stop because of the Second Intifada in the 2000s, the group was revived in 2009. Today, the group is home for 230 members consisting of young Palestinians aged 4 and up. The group has achieved remarkable success among its peer scouts in Beit […]

An Unlikely Symbol of our Revolution?

Kufiya, Watermelon, and now, the Rusty Spoon. Behold the new symbol of the Palestinian revolution. Israeli Occupation forces shake nervously at the sight of the Mighty Mala’a ملعقة Since the start of 2021 and as of July, Israel has detained around 5426 Palestinians (854 children and 107 women) in its jails. Reports by the Human […]

Three Stories told by Women in Palestine

We intereviewed several Palestinian Women on their experiences living in Palestine. Told in three gripping stories, Hind, Yasmine and Noor tell capture the essence of what it means to be under an apartheid occupation, and in a constant struggle to keep hold of their self identity… “Whenever I leave Palestine, the one thing I always […]