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Hurriya Freedom Hirbawi® Kufiya

32.00 IVA incl.

Estimated delivery time: 2 months


¿Quieres que te avisemos cuando este producto vuelva a estar disponible?

Due to high demand and limited supply, there is a limit of 1 Kufiya per order. To ensure that more people can get the chance to own a Hirbawi®️ kufiya. We hope for your understanding.

Brandish the vibrant Hurriya Freedom Hirbawi® Kufiya. A creative interpretation of the colours of the Palestinian national flag, Black, White, Red, and Green, symbolising the ongoing struggle of all Palestinians to break free. To live in dignity, to move freely and to raise our children without fear, and not be shackled from within an open-air prison. Hurriya is the struggle for our liberation.

  • Cálido y Cómodo
  • Tejido Transpirable y Absorbente de Humedad
  • Peso del tejido: 170g/m²
  • Dimensiones: 120cm x 120cm
  • 85% Algodón, 15% Sintético de Alta Calidad

Hurriya Freedom Hirbawi® Kufiya

32.00 IVA incl.

Estimated delivery time: 2 months


¿Quieres que te avisemos cuando este producto vuelva a estar disponible?

Due to high demand and limited supply, there is a limit of 1 Kufiya per order. To ensure that more people can get the chance to own a Hirbawi®️ kufiya. We hope for your understanding.

Brandish the vibrant Hurriya Freedom Hirbawi® Kufiya. A creative interpretation of the colours of the Palestinian national flag, Black, White, Red, and Green, symbolising the ongoing struggle of all Palestinians to break free. To live in dignity, to move freely and to raise our children without fear, and not be shackled from within an open-air prison. Hurriya is the struggle for our liberation.

  • Cálido y Cómodo
  • Tejido Transpirable y Absorbente de Humedad
  • Peso del tejido: 170g/m²
  • Dimensiones: 120cm x 120cm
  • 85% Algodón, 15% Sintético de Alta Calidad

La historia

A Prevailing Truth

At the core of the ongoing Palestinian struggle, is a system of apartheid that perpetuates inequality, imprisonment, violence, and the violation of human rights.

We at Hirbawi stand firmly in the belief that every individual—regardless of religion or ethnicity—deserves equal treatment. This foundational principle of equal human rights has the power to dismantle the walls of racism and apartheid that have been erected over decades in Palestine.

For a just and lasting peace, this fundamental truth must be acknowledged and acted upon by all parties involved, including Israelis, Palestinians, and the international community. Until we reach this critical understanding, the people of Palestine continue to need your emotional and material support.

Keep the Palestinian plight at the forefront of your thoughts, your discussions, and your actions. Let’s hold onto hope—the hope that one day humanity will awaken to the truth, ending all forms of apartheid and finally granting equal rights to everyone in historical Palestine. Only then can we make meaningful strides toward peace, freedom, and justice for all.


La Kufiya (pronunciada "Kufiyya" en Palestina) continúa teniendo un valor profundo y simbólico, y sirve como un ícono de resistencia, lucha y libertad para el pueblo palestino. 

La Kuffiya Hirbawi se realiza a mano utilizando una técnica clásica de punto de cruz perfeccionada a lo largo de generaciones. La Kuffiya se teje tradicionalmente en dos capas, la "base", y el "patrón" o "flor" (وردة) en árabe. Más allá de su calidad inigualable, la Kuffiya mantiene su funcionalidad original:

  • Manteniéndote fresco en climas calurosos bajo luz solar directa.
  • Protección efectiva contra tormentas de polvo y viento.
  • Excelentes propiedades de absorción de humedad, dirigiendo el sudor y la humedad lejos de la piel.

La Kufiyya ahora viene en una variedad de colores y patrones que evolucionan junto con la cultura palestina. Hoy en día, hay una amplia selección de diseños disponibles, basados en hitos históricos y elementos de la cultura palestina, así como los patrones tradicionales de la Kuffiya que son reconocidos y apreciados en todo el mundo.

La Kufiyya Original